Wednesday, March 25, 2009

fun with the bike and mirror!

oops, i fell...

what do I do now?

umm... why are you sitting there and not helping me up?

fine then, i'll just lay here

ok, i'll get up by myself if you're just going to sit there... stupid parents.

Baby Einstein hair


look mom, outside!!

mommy and daddy's little monkey


look at her with her little passy

mom mom and em taking a little catnap

daddy and em walking her bike

mirror play, then grumpyness

oh and daddy took these fabulous pics of em at the mirror, he is learning!


Aunt Julie said...

Em's really at the fun stage, isn't she? She's so huggable; you just want to pick her up and squeeze her!

Grandma KK said...

She is sooo cute! Keep the pictures coming! Love you all!