Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More Pictures

James and I thought Emmalyn just looked really funny in these little shorts we just had to take a picture!

Emmalyn on her side and not too thrilled about it

Aunt Julie, this one's for you, although it looks like she's miserable she actually loves the swing you got us!

This is another one of Emmalyn talking about how she been wronged!

Emmalyn's first time in the carrier and she's sitting forward which she's not supposed to do yet but she was just too cute and she loved it!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Grandma KK comes for a visit!

Look at that, isn't that too sweet, Emmalyn just loves her Grandma KK!

Emmalyn is having tummy time in this one, look at those boobies in her just a wee bit too big onesie!

Grandma KK and Emmalyn

This is another favorite of Emmalyn sucking on her hands which she does all the time now.

This is Emmalyn letting Grandma KK know how wronged she has been in her life.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Emmalyn stretching is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Look at that huge double chin in this one.

She loves her xylophone that has keys on the side that she can push, she loves to slam her hands down on the keys!

Emmalyn and her wuvvy which she loves to suck!

I love this picture of her and her wuvvy!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Emmalyn moments!

Emmalyn now has a bumbo seat, isn't she just the cutest!!

She was pretty tired at this point and could barely keep her head up, but I stll couldn't resist going and showing all the neighbors. She was not happy about that!

she is looking at herself in the mirror and smiling although you can't really tell.

The neighbors daughter put this in Emmalyn's ear and she looked so cute until she realized it was there, and that is the moment I finally got ready to take her picture.

She loves to suck her bottom lip into her mouth, I think it is adorable!!