Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tag Baby

Is she not the cutest baby when she is drinking water!! It is the most adorable thing to see her sucking it out. When she first started getting the water she would make this sour face like "what the hell are you guys giving me?"

I love this face, she is tired and looking at me like "why are you taking my picture? Feed me and put me to sleep woman!"

Tag baby, we buy her all these high quality, used, thrift store toys and what does she do, she plays with the tags!

Daddy and Emmalyn lounging on the couch watching the Olympics despite mommy's no tv rule!

Mom Mom decided that Emmalyn was cold and brought out her newborn hat that she wore at the hospital, she just looks so cute I couldn't help myself!!

James says that she is looks like she trying to cover up some male patterned baldness....hmm

Tags Tags, what's the use of toys when you have TAGS!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Emmalyn's first Christmas with Aunt Julie!!

Oooh cool something bright and loud!!

wait, what's this.... cooler!!

Okay, back to the other cool stuff....

Oooh, more stuff, look at this daddy!

Come out, come out you stupid red stuff!

White stuff!!

grrrr.... I will tear you up with all the concentration I can muster and if I poop too, so be it.

oooh, books!

Yeah, lots of