I love this face, she is tired and looking at me like "why are you taking my picture? Feed me and put me to sleep woman!"

Daddy and Emmalyn lounging on the couch watching the Olympics despite mommy's no tv rule!

Mom Mom decided that Emmalyn was cold and brought out her newborn hat that she wore at the hospital, she just looks so cute I couldn't help myself!!

James says that she is looks like she trying to cover up some male patterned baldness....hmm
Tags Tags, what's the use of toys when you have TAGS!!

My Little Niece is a Beautiful, Beautiful Baby Girl! And she's growing soooo quickly!
She is such baby doll! I just sit and stare at her pretty little face! Love you guys!
Hehehe, Emily has the same bib - "No means ask Grandma!" LOL
They're getting SO big so fast! I can't believe it! Emily will be 9 months old on Saturday! I'll have recent picky-tures soon! I'm just too lazy to remember to bring my camera to work so I can load it... LOL
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