She was pretty tired at this point and could barely keep her head up, but I stll couldn't resist going and showing all the neighbors. She was not happy about that!

she is looking at herself in the mirror and smiling although you can't really tell.

The neighbors daughter put this in Emmalyn's ear and she looked so cute until she realized it was there, and that is the moment I finally got ready to take her picture.
She loves to suck her bottom lip into her mouth, I think it is adorable!!

Emmalyn is soooooo cute! Aunt Suzanne misses her...
I so totally need a bumbo seat... Emily wants to sit up so bad! She can balance herself for about 10 seconds, but then topples right over! LOL
Emmalynn is such a cutie pie! I can't believe how quickly her and Luke are growing up!
So precious! Emmalyn's growing so fast and changing daily. Love the picture with the flower in her ear! I love you guys!
Too cute for words! Love you all!
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