Emmalyn thinks that me snapping my fingers in the air is super cool!!

This is mom mom's favorite

This face right here is why James and I giggle when she starts to fuss, its just so cute and sad!

Mom & I are trying to figure out who she looks like in this picture but can't figure it out, if you think you know, let us know!!

Doesn't she have the cutest smile!!

Sweetie Pie!

What's going on, who's there, someone talkin to me??!!

HEY HEY HEY its FAAT Albert!!
oh my goodness!!! Emmalyn has changed sooooo much since our visit! A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.
That picture that you can't figure out who she looks like... my first thought was that kid from Jerry McGuire. Minus the glasses of course.
She's so cute! I LOVE the Fat Albert picture! LOL!
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