Wednesday, March 25, 2009

fun with the bike and mirror!

oops, i fell...

what do I do now?

umm... why are you sitting there and not helping me up?

fine then, i'll just lay here

ok, i'll get up by myself if you're just going to sit there... stupid parents.

Baby Einstein hair


look mom, outside!!

mommy and daddy's little monkey


look at her with her little passy

mom mom and em taking a little catnap

daddy and em walking her bike

mirror play, then grumpyness

oh and daddy took these fabulous pics of em at the mirror, he is learning!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

There's a lot of 'em!

I love this face, she makes it all the time!

Em is making raspberries in this one, super cute!

Em is checking out all the cool little stuff one the sidewalk

All these are from her first day pushing around her little bike, she loves to go check things out all by herself, and loves to try and sneak some grass into her mouth too.

Emmalyn pushes around her walking thingy to the piano and has to stop to make some music, she can't help herself. We might have a musician in the family!

Em finds PITA, then he goes away and she gets stuck, boo-urns.

Butt Crack!

Em found a cool place under the stool!

Oh, but how do I get out now that I'm in, MOOOMMMY!

Em having fun playing in her food just before bath time. She loves it when she gets to get all messy!

Look at that bum, oooh I just love it!

Mom mom reading Em some books

Em loves to look out the window

du du du DUNUUUU!! Tummy!